While waiting for parts for the Carver boat, I finished foaming the hull. I used 1800 board feet of material to foam the forward hull area, and I'd guess I have a net of 2+ inches on average, maybe closer to 3". As you can see from the pictures, I foamed down to the water line. I did not want to foam below the water line, but I did add insulating beads into my paint to try to minimize condensation below the water line. I did not have enough to foam the anchor chain locker, so I'm going to buy a small 200 board foot kit to foam that area. I was really not ready to foam the anchor locker as I've yet to paint the floor of the chain locker with a rubberized product. I think something like bed liner is what I'll be using to coat the chain locker floor.

I decided to wire the boat after the foaming as I was not too keen on burying wire in the foam. I know I'll have a little bit of a fight getting conduits and wire in now that the foam is in place, but I did spend a day gluing cleats to the hull in strategic spots so I'd be able to attached wires, water lines, hydraulic lines and conduits. My plan as of now, is to keep all my electrical stuff up in the ceilings, and all my water and hydraulic lines lower in the hull below the water line. I'm going to try and use conduit as much as possible, but I'm not opposed to stapling some wires to the framing. My biggest concern is to protect everything and be aware as to not run a screw through any wire as I finish the interior.
I'm going to foam the anchor locker myself. I'm too far into the fo

The difference in the hull is amazing now that the foam is in. Not only is it much more quiet, the temperature difference is much more noticeable. Once I close things up with the hatch and port lights, I doubt I'll be able to hear any outside noise.
I purchased my foam from www.betterenergy.com, and I was totally happy with the service I got from Michael.
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